Next Steps

Having learned about the business from this website you may now want to discover more about whether it seems a good opportunity to explore further.

If you have not yet registered your interest in the business, please do so now by completing the form on this page. If you have already registered, you will have received more information through the series of e-mails that you will have been sent to you by our Recruitment Consultant.

The next stage is to book an appointment with Pam Gordon by using the ‘Schedule a Call’ button which is on each page of this website. This will allow you access to Pam’s online Diary and give you the opportunity for her to call you at a mutually agreeable time.

During this call Pam will be able to answer any questions that you may have. She will also wish to learn something about you, including why the business interests you, whether you have any relevant experience that would enhance you suitability as a candidate and how and when you would be able to raise the necessary investment.

If, at the end of that call, both parties wish to take the Discovery Process to the next stage arrangements will be made for you to meet the Management Team at FVF who will be able to provide more information to you and give you a more detailed introduction to the opportunity.